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Watch Nar dyrene drommer (When Animals Dream) online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Nar dyrene drommer (When Animals Dream) movie online for free. The film Nar dyrene drommer (When Animals Dream) has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the site.
Title : Nar dyrene drommer (When Animals Dream)
Year : 2014
Rating : Unrated
Runtime : 84
Release Dates :
Actors :
- Sonia Suhl ()
- Lars Mikkelsen ()
- Sonja Richter ()
- Jakob Oftebro ()
- Gustav Dyekjaer Giese ()
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16-year old Marie lives on a small island with her seriously ill mother and her father, who takes care of the family. But suddenly mysterious deaths happen and Marie can feel something strange happening to her body.
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